Friday, November 26, 2010

Volcano In Ecuador

Dear Diary,
Today I am going to a town called Riobamba, Ecuador. Where there is a beautiful mountain called Tungurahua. I was close to the mountain when it all of a sudden erupted.  I could see the lava coming down from the mountain. It was a beautiful site till it started to rain ash. Everyone there in Ecuador seemed fine with the volcano but I was pretty scared. The next day the sky was dark covered in clouds. It was still raining but this time a lot more. People who had farms were devastated because there crops were damaged. This was a devastating site for me because they had no where else to go besides stay at there farm.  Though going here was a beautiful site to see, I wish these people who had lost farming areas didn't have.


"Riobamba, Ecuador Weather Information Pages -" 9 Day City Weather Forecasts & Weather Maps. Web. 26 Nov. 2010. <>.

Two Backpackers. "YouTube - Erupting Volcano Tungurahua in Ecuador." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 28 Sept. 2010. Web. 26 Nov. 2010. <>.

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