Monday, November 29, 2010

Response Questions- Down the Road in South America by Tim and Cindie Travis

  1. When i was reading, I enjoyed it very much. This book captured my attention with all of the different countries it was talking about. 
  2. I was very happy with the choice of book I made. This is because I enjoyed reading this book and the description it had given to me about the countries. 
  3. I found Argentina the most intriguing when reading this book. I never knew how many beautiful places Argentina had. Also, how they are so close to there families there. They eat together and spend every moment to there liking. 
  4. The theme the author was trying to show is the nature of the world.
  5. By producing this project I have learned many things. For instance I have learned on how to make a blog. Also, about the different coutries and infromation about them that I didnt know. 
  6. In my opinion the most enjoyable part of this project was reading the book. I feel this way because i love reading books and how they capture my attention. Therefore, this book did capture my attention on every single moment. I learned many new things from reading this book.
  7. The most difficult part of this project was finding videos and picture that I thought decided the area well. 

Patagonia, Argentina

Dear Diary,
In downtown Bariloche there is an amazing view of lake, and forested mountains. In Patagonia there is a beautiful area called Perito Moreno Glacier. This glacier flows into two lakes the Argentino and Escondido lake. Water flowed from a tunnel that made the glacier sped up in its melting process. By this happening chuncks of ice fall from the glacier. This a beautiful place to relax and to see the beautiful creations in the world. Below is a video of Perito Moreno Glacier breaking from the water. Therefore, anytime your looking for a moment to relax go to the different places I have mentioned in my blog, there a site to see.


Buceo, By Bab. "Perito Moreno Glacier Breaks - Video." Metacafe - Best Videos & Funny Movies. 31 May 2009. Web. 29 Nov. 2010. <>.


Dear Diary,
Being in Chile I have learned that the people here are very proud of there land. In Portillo, Chile there is a famous ski are that has rocky slopes. Chile's capital is Santiago which is an dense urban traffic area. There are many places in Chile that are great for tourists to visit. They have the Conguillio National Park, which is a very pleasant place to be at. Below is a picture of Conguillio National Park, this place is a beautiful site to see. Below is a video of a famous Chilean singer named Myriam Hernandez. Visiting Chile was not that exciting as when I had visited Argentina. Though others may have a different opinion on coming here.


"Chile Map." Google Maps. Web. 29 Nov. 2010. < map&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Chile&gl=us&ei=qW_0TKiCEMWAlAePmPGzBQ&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CB0Q8gEwAA>.
"Andes Website - Climbing Volcanoes in the Chilean Lake District." Andes Website - Trekking, Hiking, Skiing and Climbing in the Andes Mountains of South America. Web. 29 Nov. 2010. <>
Enamorandome. "YouTube - Myriam Hernandez - Donde Estara Mi Primavera."YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 10 Jan. 2008. Web. 29 Nov. 2010. <>.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

New Years In Argentina

Dear Diary,
While being in Argentina I have learned that News Years Eve in the U.S. is very different from Argentina. In Argentina people do not go out partying and celebrating at bars. Instead they stay home with there familys and have dinner together. Once midnight comes the older people would sit around and talk while the kids would sneak out to the clubs. Though on New Years everyone parties from when the sun comes up till it comes down. Going to Argentina during New Years is a fun time.


"Festivals In Argentina | Argentina Festivals & Events | Tango Festival."Argentina,Argentina Tourism,Argentina Travel Offered by Travel Agent and Tour Operators. Prakriti Inbound Pvt Ltd., 1 Jan. 2010. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. <>.

Coming To Argentina

Dear Diary,
Coming to Argentina I have found that there is a difference from the other countries. The have signal lights here on there intersections. They follow them and people there honk less. Argentina has a large middle class that is able to afford many new items. The water system in Argentina is modern and maintained. People in Argentina love to party on Saturday's after all there work is done. They take the time to enjoy every single moment of the day. Also, they take the time to sit down as a family and enjoy every one's company. I learned that Argentineans always enjoy life, there is never a rush for them to do things. The air is fresh there for many plants to grow. Horses roam freely in the wild without anyone trying to capture them. Argentina is a beautiful, and peaceful place to visit. Below is a famous Argentinean tango singer named Carlos Gardel.


"Argentina Map." Google Maps. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. <,24472,25907,27147,27642,27744&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=argentina map&cp=11&qe=YXJnZW50aW5hIG0&qesig=BcGeiyhkdlHXuSsK196x3w&pkc=AFgZ2tkkc2bNjhVKRAW73g8x2wv-xAeEQAV1AzNnmojLrhK-tVa497hVgbYSwiqsk1p_A7HKbIsL5rDmRm1aEQ-T52sWTTvLzQ&client=safari&rls=en&gl=us&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Argentina&gl=us&ei=jSfzTNeEMIK88gbw66SLDA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CBsQ8gEwAA>.

Malena Tango. "YouTube - Mi Buenos Aires Querido - Tango." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 12 Mar. 2006. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. <>.


Dear Diary,
Coming to Bolivia there is not that much to say. Though that they do not have that many clean areas. The people that live here are quite poor. Also, there are very few areas of clean water. Though there is a town called Oruro. This town has many young adults roaming around. They have a festive atmosphere, and have many American restaurants. For instance they have ice cream, pizza, and cafe joints. This place is quite descent compared to other areas in Bolivia. Though i did find out the music that they listen to. Below is a video of a famous Bolivian singer.

"Bolivia Map." Google Maps. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. <,24472,25907,27147,27642,27744&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=bolivia map&cp=11&qe=Ym9saXZpYSBtYXA&qesig=5VdOZncQzAfDlZ6G3pBGhw&pkc=AFgZ2tmDYeuvbSq9I4VcAioOiwKCiCf-WgDe2faAKOgOt3y1mf2LKtBPg9GF7eDA5YvO7-EY7_LHU-zYEOCVosPFah_6Xl5KHg&client=safari&rls=en&gl=us&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Bolivia&gl=us&ei=zbfyTNvEDIH78AaVgeHfCw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CBgQ8gEwAA>.
OpusXXXIII. "YouTube - Luzmila Carpio - Ama Sua, Ama Llulla, Ama Qhella."YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 25 Mar. 2007. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. <!>

Beautiful Cuzco, Peru

Dear Diary,
Coming to Cuzco, Peru there are many beautiful sites. They have ancient beautiful cathedrals here. There is a lot of old architecture there. Cuzco is filled with different shops and restaurants. In Cuzco they have the most beautiful tourist attraction called Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu had been built by an Incan ruler. There are temples and residence that were surrounded by terraces. The highest point in Machu Picchu is the Watchman's Hut. This place is on located on a high plateau looking over a meandering river.Machu Picchu is a beautiful site to see while being in Cuzco.


"Cusco Peru." Google Maps. 20 Nov. 2010. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. < peru&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Cuzco, Peru&gl=us&ei=sZ_yTLzQAYHGlQfz-PifDA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CCQQ8gEwAA>.

Tourist. "Machu Picchu on" World's Top Hotels and Top Sightseeings | Tourism and Traveling. 16 July 2010. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. <>.

Protests in Peru

Dear Diary,
Coming to Huanuco, Peru there was a protest. This protest was in El Plaza De Armas. The city had banned the protesters from coming because of the disrupted traffic. Though they were banned they would still come every Sunday protesting. The people held signs up saying different things and wanting to see the governor. The police officers would come in gear and beat the protesters. Though some may give up they would still beat them. This was a brutal site to see because of how this was way out of control.There was nothing I could do except talk about it and hope others would see.

 The video below is one of the protests that happened in Peru.


Travis, Tim. "Shared Right Border." Bicycle Touring Around the World: Cycle Tourings Best Bike Tour and Travel Travelogue Story. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. <>.

"YouTube - Inside the Peruvian Amazon." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. The Real News, 12 July 2009. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. <>.


Dear Diary,
I am now in Huallanca, Peru. Being here i have learned Perus famous singer Gian Marco. Below is a video of a song he sings. All though, while going through here I saw many women washing there laundry in a cold river. It surprised me that they didn't have a facet to wash there clothes. I asked someone and they told that it was only a privilege to have running facet water. They also told me that most women would walk long distance to just wash there clothes in a dirty river. Later,  I passed by a field with a family working on it. When they saw me passed they stopped working and came up to me and ask for a gift. I declined them and they started to throw rocks at me. According to another person who had passed by, if you didn't have a gift to give to the children then they would throw rocks at you. I found this very strange but kept riding on.


Digenzo. "YouTube - Gian Marco - Lamento." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 17 Oct. 2006. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. <>.

"Map of Peru." Google Maps. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. < of peru&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Peru&gl=us&ei=GX_yTJayLYKBlAeI9PjnDA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBcQ8gEwAA>.

"Local Woman Washing Clothes Pictures from South America Photos on Webshots."Travel Photos and Pictures on Webshots. 15 Sept. 2006. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. <>.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Guinea Pigs

Dear Diary,

I am now in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Being here I got to meet a very kind family. They showed me of how all the things we take for granted here in the United States. For instance, the had never seen a Ziploc bag. They were surprised to see how to use it and how it was able to hold items. They had thought of all types of items they could put in that Ziploc bag. This family also showed me on how the United States and Ecuador have a different meaning to the word "pet". For instance, there in Ecuador a guinea pig is very expensive and valuable to have. While here in United States we have guinea pigs as pet. They find it weird that we would have a guinea pig as a pet because they eat guinea pigs. In Ecuador they keep in a pen (picture above) and fry cook him. I have come to a conclusion that we should always appreciate what we have no matter what it is.


"Guayaquil, Ecuador Map." Google Maps. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. <, ecuador map&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Guayaquil, Ecuador&gl=us&ei=UpvyTKbeM4K8lQeaoPDZDA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CB0Q8gEwAA>.

Elwell, Karen. "Ecuador Cuy Guinea Pigs | Flickr - Photo Sharing!" Welcome to Flickr - Photo Sharing. 14 July 2008. Web. 27 Nov. 2010. <>.

Nariz Del Diablo

Dear Diary,
Traveling to Alausi I decided to take the only train they have here in Ecuador called El Nariz Del Diablo (Nose of The Devil). This train is spectacular to take because I was able to sit on the roof of the train. I was able to do this because the train is not able to go fast because of how its next to mountains. Though the train ride was quite scary because we could have fallen. This train ride was spectacular because I was able to lay in the sun. I was also able to see the beautiful mountains Ecuador was surrounded by. This train ride was spectacular and was able to get me farther than taking my bicycle. If I ever come back to visit Ecuador I hope to take El Nariz Del Diablo again. 


Williams, Glyn. "Railways in Ecuador." Welcome to Empresa De Ferrocarriles Ecuatorianos. Web. 27 Nov. 2010. <>

People in Ecuador

Dear Diary,
Today, I am leaving Ecuador and traveling to Peru. But it started to get dark and needed to find a hotel to stay in. I had to camp outside because there were no hotels in the area i was in. Until some friendly people let me stay in there house. They feed me a soup that had parts of a chicken that i have never seen. For instance, the soup had a chickens heart and feet. The soup is similar to the one in the picture towards the right. Though it looked different from the American food, I still ate it. It was delicious and it taste like chicken. I am really thankful that the family invited me into there home because I was able to try something different.


Corsby, Angela. "The Yellow Card You Want to Have." Crosbys in Ecuador. 26 Nov. 2010. Web. 26 Nov. 2010. <>.

Volcano In Ecuador

Dear Diary,
Today I am going to a town called Riobamba, Ecuador. Where there is a beautiful mountain called Tungurahua. I was close to the mountain when it all of a sudden erupted.  I could see the lava coming down from the mountain. It was a beautiful site till it started to rain ash. Everyone there in Ecuador seemed fine with the volcano but I was pretty scared. The next day the sky was dark covered in clouds. It was still raining but this time a lot more. People who had farms were devastated because there crops were damaged. This was a devastating site for me because they had no where else to go besides stay at there farm.  Though going here was a beautiful site to see, I wish these people who had lost farming areas didn't have.


"Riobamba, Ecuador Weather Information Pages -" 9 Day City Weather Forecasts & Weather Maps. Web. 26 Nov. 2010. <>.

Two Backpackers. "YouTube - Erupting Volcano Tungurahua in Ecuador." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 28 Sept. 2010. Web. 26 Nov. 2010. <>.

Coming To Ecuador.

Dear Diary,
When I got to Quito, Ecuador the airport security went quite smoothly. Ecuador is located in South America below Columbia above Peru. I found out that Quito has many beautiful tourist attractions.  For instance, they have El Muedo Del Mundo (The Middle of The World). This area is dedicated to where the earths equator is located. Many people come here to stand on the equator and take photos. They also have many dance performances. The music there in Quito is different from the music we have here in the United States. The video below is a type of music they play there in Quito. I have enjoyed my first day here at Quito, Ecuador and have learned so much.


Poncha, Cyrus. "World Junior Squash Championships (Quito,Ecuador) – Day 1."SportsKeeda. 29 July 2010. Web. 26 Nov. 2010. <>.

"YouTube - PARA TI MADRECITA Julio Jaramillo /xaf DIA DE LAS MADRES." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 11 Apr. 2009. Web. 26 Nov. 2010. <>.

What I Brought On This Amazing Journey

Dear Diary,

When I decided to do a bicycle tour I wanted to bring a few items that I would need. Therefore, I brought a bicycle that would be able to withstand whatever paths I took. I did this because I knew I was going to have to go through mountains and difficult areas that may cause a regular bike to damage. Therefore, I adjusted my bike by adding extra items, for instance high quality tires. I also brought cold weather gear because in South America there are many countries where it is cold no matter what season your in. For instance, I brought a pair of hiking boots, gloves, and hats. I also brought liquids and i decided to stay on budget of only $25 a day. Though this may sound difficult, I am going to strive through this journey going from Ecuador down to the end of South America.
