Sunday, November 28, 2010

Protests in Peru

Dear Diary,
Coming to Huanuco, Peru there was a protest. This protest was in El Plaza De Armas. The city had banned the protesters from coming because of the disrupted traffic. Though they were banned they would still come every Sunday protesting. The people held signs up saying different things and wanting to see the governor. The police officers would come in gear and beat the protesters. Though some may give up they would still beat them. This was a brutal site to see because of how this was way out of control.There was nothing I could do except talk about it and hope others would see.

 The video below is one of the protests that happened in Peru.


Travis, Tim. "Shared Right Border." Bicycle Touring Around the World: Cycle Tourings Best Bike Tour and Travel Travelogue Story. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. <>.

"YouTube - Inside the Peruvian Amazon." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. The Real News, 12 July 2009. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. <>.

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