Monday, November 29, 2010

Response Questions- Down the Road in South America by Tim and Cindie Travis

  1. When i was reading, I enjoyed it very much. This book captured my attention with all of the different countries it was talking about. 
  2. I was very happy with the choice of book I made. This is because I enjoyed reading this book and the description it had given to me about the countries. 
  3. I found Argentina the most intriguing when reading this book. I never knew how many beautiful places Argentina had. Also, how they are so close to there families there. They eat together and spend every moment to there liking. 
  4. The theme the author was trying to show is the nature of the world.
  5. By producing this project I have learned many things. For instance I have learned on how to make a blog. Also, about the different coutries and infromation about them that I didnt know. 
  6. In my opinion the most enjoyable part of this project was reading the book. I feel this way because i love reading books and how they capture my attention. Therefore, this book did capture my attention on every single moment. I learned many new things from reading this book.
  7. The most difficult part of this project was finding videos and picture that I thought decided the area well. 

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