Friday, November 26, 2010

Nariz Del Diablo

Dear Diary,
Traveling to Alausi I decided to take the only train they have here in Ecuador called El Nariz Del Diablo (Nose of The Devil). This train is spectacular to take because I was able to sit on the roof of the train. I was able to do this because the train is not able to go fast because of how its next to mountains. Though the train ride was quite scary because we could have fallen. This train ride was spectacular because I was able to lay in the sun. I was also able to see the beautiful mountains Ecuador was surrounded by. This train ride was spectacular and was able to get me farther than taking my bicycle. If I ever come back to visit Ecuador I hope to take El Nariz Del Diablo again. 


Williams, Glyn. "Railways in Ecuador." Welcome to Empresa De Ferrocarriles Ecuatorianos. Web. 27 Nov. 2010. <>

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